Namecheap act as a provider, providing domain name registration and web hosting of any website to the website creator online, located in United State (US). It was created in 2000, by Richard Kirkendall. Most importantly, the purpose of creating this type of website is to provide needy people with the important sources requires in developing a whole successful website. In short, it provides the Domain Name, Web Hosting, Online marketing, WordPress access, etc. for the developing websites.
For example, you want to create a website for your business to grow online. But meanwhile, you are not able to find a strong domain name or can not find hosting for your website. To sum up, Namecheap provides all these facilities to you to be a Successful Businessman online. (Buy a Domain > Find the right hosting for your Domain > Add professional Email > Security for you and your customer)
Now, if you are one of them and want to use Namecheap. Then, you have to purchase the facilities like other websites. In short, you have to buy a domain name for your website. Then likewise, you have to buy web hosting. They have a Wallet system present on their official website. And for purchasing these types of facilities from Namecheap you have to add money to the wallet by following certain rules mentioned below.
Firstly, sign to your Namecheap account. (If you don’t have, create one) > Secondly, go to the Dashboard and click on the “Top-up” option. > Select the payment system (mentioned below) you want and click “Next”. > Now, give the amount you want to add. Then, click on the “Next” button. > Here, insert the required information, once done click on the “Next” button. > Then, click “Charge and Proceed”.
All done, your money has been successfully added to your Wallet/Current Balance.
Note: Minimum amount of deposits from credit cards and Paypal is $5.00. The minimum amount of deposit from Bitcoin is $1.00. The maximum deposit amount is $100,000.00 for all methods.
If you are facing any problem regarding Namecheap or do not have any payment methods available for adding money to the wallet, in conclusion, you can contact us through safe2wallet.com or suryaexchanger.com for any further information or help. These two websites also work as a money exchangers in the online market. Therefore, if you need to exchange currency then it will also help you as an exchanger and these websites are fully trusted and verified.
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